We are living in an age of great deception. This deception is so profoundly strong, that it was rare just 50 years ago. This mostly falls into 2 categories:
1. People who have not established a meaningful relationship with God, and guidance from the indwelling Holy Spirit are subject to profound deception. These are driven by pronounced inner fears, residing mostly in the subconscious. If you don't believe in something spiritual, you'll fall for anything, as is well demonstrated today. Fear produces Anger then produces Depression. Today this is manifested as FEAR OF A VIRUS, NOT TRUST IN GOD. NO VAXX WILL SAVE YOU!
UPDATE: Doctors, nurses, psychiatrists and Pastors have stated, "People who fear the virus are more likely to die from it." Some say that the virus mortality is empowered by fear.
2. People who live shackled and controlled by an over-developed ego. This exaggerated and miss proportioned ego acts like a gorilla running your life. The ego's proven method is to manipulate through secret fears. Resentment is the ego's trick that brings darkness and death to your mind and body. It's plan is to consume your own flesh. Illness and a hundred unfounded anxieties.
The most evident mass deceptions are as follows;
1. Despite over 50 sequentially failed time-related doom threat events since 1971, people still embrace the fear-based hysterical beliefs in man caused planet destruction. Now 31,000+ scientists have signed a compact stating man-caused climate change is a HOAX. It's only purpose is human control through globalization. Proof
2. Deception at it's highest level is murder. The Democrats now support late-term abortion as well death at birth. Only 50 years ago the vast majority would never think of murdering 81 million babies since 1973 Roe vs Wade. So you're telling me that building a wall for protection is immoral, but killing babies is a human right? My my, we've fallen a long way into a deception of first degree murder of innocent lives. I'm glad your mother chose life for you.
3. Globalization will be fun, let's give it a try. This is the most INSANE DECEPTION OF ALL. Most every spiritual document predicts that a one-world government will trigger the complete demise of humanity. When Adolph Hitler took absolute power, he killed 13 million of his own people. Joseph Stalin killed 20 million of his countrymen. Mao killed 45+ million souls. History proves "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". Globalization may be the predicted gruesome end to human life.
4. Socialism is the Fairytale of Fools. It's failing on the world stage. Even the EU healthcare system is on life support. Generally, we choose capitalism over socialism because we want to walk our dogs, not eat them. Others are openly rooting for communism. Really? There is some very deep-rooted mental illness in America.
5. Democrats are looking out for my best interests. Well, lets look at the record: They are the party of slavery. They are the party that started and maintained the KKK. They opposed the civil rights movement. They instituted modern black slavery through welfare. Well, what about today? Democrat losers. HERE IS THEIR GAME PLAN, The Democrat Party Leadership: TREASON, Infanticide, Anti-Semitism (Jew Haters), Impeach Trump, Socialism, Open Borders, Gun Confiscation, America Haters, God Haters, Haters of Truth, Censorship, Lying Fake News Bias, ALL on Congressional Record since January 2019 by House democrats. It's time to #WalkAway
6. Demoncrat-run cities are burning without restraint. BLM and ANTIFA are destroying black neighborhoods and businesses. They are Marxist terrorists, and they care nothing about the African-American wellbeing.