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The real reason why Russia invaded Ukraine according to an Ukrainian youth


The real reason why Russia invaded Ukraine according to an Ukrainian youth.
Here is another people's reporting on Ukraine and the duplicity of the west, primarily the US.
I cannot help but search out these news because – I have long realised that freedom of information, freedom of press and access to truth has been totally, completely, destroyed in the west and we all are living under an unimaginably cruel form of global dictatorship where every man, woman and child is programmed through non-stop 24×7 propaganda with lies that turns night into day.
So, I cannot help do my bit, irrespective of if people bother to have a listen or not. As the saying goes – one can lead a donkey to the water, but cannot make it to drink if the donkey decided to stubbornly resist you, even at its own peril.
So, here goes another common young man of Ukraine that did some schooling in the US and thus became proficient in the English language. This is for those that like shedding crocodile tears of false flag issues.
This young man has a channel on Rumble, under the name "Be Free".