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MERCOLA – Vaxxed Individuals Had 27 Times Higher Risk of Symptomatic COVID

Vaxxed Individuals Had 27 Times Higher Risk of Symptomatic COVID

September 02, 2021

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Citing a study that shows COVID-19 vaccinated individuals are 27 times more likely to get a symptomatic COVID infection than those who were naturally infected with the virus, Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff said this makes vaccine mandates and passports unnecessary.

In a Twitter post, Kulldorff said, "Prior COVID disease (many working class) provides better immunity than vaccines (many professionals), so vaccine mandates are not only scientific nonsense, they are also discriminatory and unethical."

It also makes vaccine passports "even more senseless in light of the new findings," Kulldorff added in another tweet.

The Israeli study concluded that "natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant."


ZeroHedge September 2, 2021

medRxiv August 25, 2021

Twitter August 25, 2021

Twitter September 1, 2021