Please share with your friends BEFORE they vaccinate. Do this out of self preservation. Once taken, it's too late.
World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox – Dr. Mercola
Charlene Bollinger | Fauci's Emails Are the Tip of the Iceberg for Exposing Medical Corruption
Spanish Researchers Declare: Covid-19 Is Caused by Graphene Oxide
Graphene Oxide In Masks, Swabs And Vaccines – The Deadly Plan
#### DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID 'Vaccine' RE: Graphene Oxide
#### Vaccinated Super Spreaders triggering NEW WAVES of infection acccording to CDC
BREAKING DISCOVERY! What COVID Injections Do To Your BLOOD! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings!
Pro-Vax Doc – "I can no longer recommend the vaccine to any individual."
Vaccine Death Possiblein 6 to 12 Months After Shot-YOU MUST WATCH THIS
Situation Update, Mar 26, 2021 – Vaccinated People Are Walking Biological Time Bombs
Prof Dolores Cahill Warns-Do Not Take the Vaccination
GOOD NEWS – The Council of Europe Declares EU Cannot Force or Mandate Vaccination
How to WIN a case against you for forced or mandated vaccination
Vaccines DO CAUSE AUTISM – Evidence Abounds
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi Declares Fauci has LOST HIS MIND
Talk About COVID-19, MRNA Bioweapon, Ivermectin, & The Importance Of Vitamin D – Dr. Ryan Cole
Steven F Hotze M.D. Vaccination is Dangerous
World Famous Dr. Simone Gold – The vaxxine is a "Crime Against Humanity"
Dr. Lee Merritt discuss the human warfare AGAINST HUMANITY, WARFARE 5.0 Vaccines
The Human Effort to Amplify and Distribute the Virus Throughout all Societies
No Vaccines – They want to Mandate the Poison for YOU
BardsofWar – Vaccine is DEADLY
Why Is Death After Covid Vaxx Always Deemed Coincidental?
JESUS SAID, "Do not take the vaccine, it will kill you"
I have many more professional testimony if you request it.
Love, Greg
Second Pfizer shot canceled after 46 nursing home patients die in Spain
46 Nursing Home Residents in Spain Die Within 1 Month of Getting Pfizer COVID Vaccine
Spain: second Pfizer shots halted after 46 nursing home residents die after the first shot